Training for Education, Healthcare, Business, and Non-Profit industry personnel.
Participants will gain skills that will allow them to be more effective employees.
All of the courses listed are eligible for Workforce Training. They can be customized to specific industry need and criteria. There are various funding opportunities for Workforce Training, so please inquire if interested.
Training employees on how to effectively listen to customers, quickly and effectively deal with concerns, and properly communicate with important information to customers and other employees is essential in today's organizations.
"Goal Setting and Organizational Skills"
Training in Organizational Skills is an investment that will provide positive results for years. Organizational Skills can carry over into many aspects of life and can facilitate goal attainment.
Training in Conflict Management can allow employees to gain the tools necessary for optimizing the most positive effects of conflict, which include thinking outside the box, problem solving, and innovation.
Effective leaders understand their role in setting the culture and the tone for the workplace. How well today's leaders are able to model the appropriate etiquette for the workplace can influence employee morale, job satisfaction, and overall workplace culture.
Whether leading a team, an institution, a family, or a community utilizing the most effective leadership style is critical to getting positive results. Effective leadership is not simply based on a set of attributed, behaviors or influences, but rather on a wide range of thoughtful approaches. Based on Robert Greenleaf's Servant Leadership theory, this session focuses on elements of the theory that participants can apply in their varied roles and in multiple situations.
Nurses will learn to develop a personal leadership methodology which will allow them to become aware of their leadership beliefs, values, emotions, judgements, and reactions. The course trains nurses to assess ambiguous situations, face decision points and resolve conflict.
Organizations where Transformational Leadership can be found indicate high levels of job satisfaction, organizational success, employee commitment, and low employee turnover rate. This training will explore the behavior facets of Transformational Leadership so that today's leaders can access new skills to help them become more effective.
Board training allows for capacity building, dialogue, and consensus on the various roles and responsibilities of a board member. Board training allows for a focused approach to problem solving, productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency as they relate to overall goals of non-profits as well as for profit organizations.
With the evolution of technology, written communication in the workplace has become problematic for many organizations. From basic grammatical rules to inappropriate use of words, professionals today are in need o training in the most effective ways to communicate with others in writing. One way to build reputation and relationships with customers and colleagues is to effectively communicate with them in writing.
Due to globalization of organizations, employees today need to be able to effectively communicate with a diverse group of clients, employees, and co-workers. This training will introduce participants to the most effective and professional ways to build relationships with others through effective professional communication techniques.
Current research on effective organizational systems that are structured to allow all employees to achieve success indicate that strategic planning is an essential tool. The Strategic Plan allows for organizational systems to focus on problem solving, productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency as they relate to overall goals of businesses.
Set in a serene location on the Arroyo Colorado, leadership retreats allow for participants to build stronger professional relationships with co-workers that will build the team to encourage a unified effort to meet organizational goals. Participants will actively discuss goals and change required to meet the goals. In addition, participants will connect to the Vision/Mission of the organization and will leave the retreat with an Action Plan for the next 30 days.
Leaders rarely see themselves the way others see them. This training will provide participants with the tools and instructions for participating in a 360 degree feedback project where the leaders will receive feedback concerning their leadership style from various levels of personnel within the organization. The feedback provided in this project will be essential for leaders to further develop their leadership skills.
This training course will help deliver techniques to employees on how to prevent discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Not only can workplace discrimination and sexual harassment affect employee productivity, it can also divert resources from the organization's Vision/Mission. Employee training is the key to addressing these issues.
With an emphasis on hands-on learning, our First Aid/CPR/AED courses give you the skills to react in these situations and perhaps save a life. All course options align with OSHA's Best Practices for Workplace First Aid Training Programs and are available in classroom and blended learning formats. A digital certificate is issued upon successful course completion with anytime, anywhere access to certificate and training history.
Participants of this training will develop a better understanding of the rules and regulations provided by HIPAA. Our HIPAA in the Workplace Training course is meant to satisfy the training requirement under HIPAA and provides an emphasis on HIPAA Privacy but with an overview of the other parts of HIPAA such as HIPAA Security as well. Everyone must take this course to satisfy the training requirement under HIPAA
Employers can create a happy and thriving workplace for everyone by embracing diversity, equity and inclusion and eliminating discrimination, harassment and bullying.
When violence occurs, seconds count, and you can not always wait for law enforcement and first responders to arrive. This training enables you to become an immediate responder. Additionally, participants of this training will leave empowered to help save lives in the event of an urgent threat or emergency. Life threatening blood-loss situations and ways in which to respond to emergencies will be explored.
This course is designed to provide the fundamental computer competencies to manage and prosper in today's fast-changing workplace. This course will prepare participants to implement the powers of modern office software to work faster and ore efficiently, focusing on the practical application for software most common to the workplace. By the time of completion, participants will have learned why employers consider technological literacy so critical to the success of any organization.
This course explores the dominant personality traits with the purpose of promoting self-awareness and self-management. Best practices and research-supported tips will be explored. Participants are expected to leave this training with an understanding of his/her own dominant personality type. Additionally, participants will understand ways in which to manage communication with others based on an understanding of one's personality.
Participants of this training will understand how to assess follower's levels of competence and commitment. Based on that assessment, participants of this training will uncover the most effective ways to lead in the varying situations their followers present. This training is hands-on and interactive with the purpose of developing leadership skills that will effectively apply to most organizational settings.
This course explores various leadership styles, and specifically the top three leadership styles cited in research as being effective during times of change. Participants are expected to leave this training with an understanding of transformational leadership, servant leadership, and situational leadership
Reimagining the workforce and supporting teams is a priority for leaders around the world. This course explores the four components of emotional intelligence and how it relates to interacting with others. Participants are expected to leave this training with an understanding of slef-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Additionally, participants will understand ways in which to increase emotional intelligence so that goals can be met.
Creating highly effective teams is the number one competitive advantage in businesses today. This course explores ways in which leaders can build and effectively lead teams through agile leadership and strong relationships. Participants are expected to leave this training with a big picture vision for leading effective teams through transparency and greater perspective (empathy). Additionally, participants will understand ways in which to access team building ideas.
One-on-One Coaching offers leaders coaching services designed to help develop executive presence through effective goal setting, professional communication, and leadership behaviors. One-on-One coaching can assist in the pursuit of career goals and vision planning. Participants of this program will learn ways to modify negative stimulus, gain greater clarity, and create an executive presence that allows for goal attainment.
By definition, bullying is persistent, offensive, intimidating, and insulting behavior that makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated, or vulnerable. Without intervention, workplace bullying can lead to negative performance outcomes. Participants of this training will learn to recognize bullying behavior, speak up and stand up for others.
Research shows that there are some negative effects of ineffective meetings in the workplace. Outcomes such as zero accomplishments, frustration, anger, loss of motivation, etc. are attributed to organizations where there are too many ineffective meetings. Bad meetings lead to bad decisions, mediocrity, and failure. However, higher morale, job satisfaction, and productivity.
Both newly promoted supervisors and experienced managers could use help or a refresher on understanding their people and knowing the right way to approach those tough challenges that seem to come up on a daily basis in the workplace.
Research shows that simply stated, Human Capital means people. People in the workplace should be viewed as assets who are valued and invested in. Organizations should take strategic actions to ensure that the investment in the people who make up the organization increases value and minimizes risk. Successful organizations must have human capital policies aligned to support the organization's shared vision and strategic plan.
When hazardous chemicals are present in the workplace, employees have a right to know about the risks involved with storing and handling such substances. This course defines hazardous chemicals, describes their potential heal effects, discusses key federal and international regulations, and describes ways to help keep workers safe.
Customer service is an active profession and in spite of attention to customer service across all industries, it seems to be getting worse.
With an over-emphasis on the superficial: the greeter at the door, the force smile, and the overused, "have a nice day!", organizations often missing what's missing: action!
Knowing your product or service and knowing your customer is not enough.
This training focuses on developing skills on How to Calm the difficult customer. Learn how to take the ownership of the issues and lead the conversation away from emotions and towards resolving issues. This course teaches employees how to collaborate with customers to address the issues.
This training helps you harness the emotions that stand in the way of building trust, collaboration, and engagement across the organization. Participants of this training will understand the four components of Emotional Intelligence: (1) Self Awareness, (2) Self-Management, (3) Social Awareness, and (4) Relationship Management.
Emotional Intelligence is the key to having a positive impact on your team and organization.
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